Compare [cumulative CH4(m3) ] from Well_Time_Series vs Hydrate_Info
Hello everyone I have a very simple problem Tough+Hydrate (v1.5) : I m trying to compare Methane production from the two sources (i) released from HYDRATE DISSOCIATION (ii) Total Production at the…
Should we buy the Executable or Source version?
Hello everyone, In the upcoming days, my research group is planing to buy a TOUGHREACT license to model reactive transport of acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines,…
Set An Initial Temperature Greater Than 100 In ECO2N Module
Dear all members, Hi, I am a new TOUGH user and I know that by default, ECO2N has limitations on maximum allowed temperature (103.04 deg. C). But in my case the temperature is 120 deg.…
Ask : MP function at petrasim 2018
Hello everyone.. im a college student & new petrasim-tough2 user i want to ask how to activated MP function when we want to running model using petrasim 2018?…
Installing Tough3 on Windows by using Bash
Hello! I am trying to install T3 on my Windows10 by using bash but this error comes up (please see the attached image). Apparently it's because the file name: " blas2.1.…
Failure in linear equation soluation
Hello! I am having a simulation (with EOS2) containing CO2 and heat injection and well on deliverability, but I run to this error: "FAILURE IN LINEAR EQUATION SOLUTION" What could be the source of…
How to apply this unique Mix of Neuman + Dirichlet Boundary conditions, for Temperature & Pressure, 1-d Problem
Hello everyone I am trying to setup a 1-D validation problem from a research paper for validating experimental results. In short, I need to apply Neuman & Dirichlet Boundary conditions,…
How to handle convergence
I am using a simple 2D grid to simulate the growth of hydrates after some gas injection occurs in the system. Ideally I would like to shut down the source (injector) and let the system evolve with…
Hysteretic RELP and CAP
Hi, Just a quick question: Is it possible to use IPR 12 with ICP 9 ? Following the manual, it should only be implemented with ICP 12, since ICP 12 uses some parameters from IPR 12,…
Hello, I have a question about TOUGH+HYDRATE(T+H). I want to run cartesian model(gird : 57x57x61(total about 200000). But T+H doesn't operate, and I get the following error message on the terminal:…
Post Processing for Contours of 3D Cylindrical system, R=224, Z=10m
This is my Plot_Data_Elements file, obtained after 3D simulation of Cylindrical grid of size R=224m and Z=10m, the problem is: its cylindrical coordinates(r,z) I have no problem,…
Partitioning Tracer-EOS7C
Hi, I have two question 1- Regarding temperature dependency of Henry's coefficient, I was wondering if TOUGH2/EOS7C considers this or not? and if yes, at what reference temperature should HCTRC…
use ENDFI to create mesh before initializing simulation , but how??? tried several combinations.....Mesh file remains empty
😥 hello everyone, I am using TOUGH+Hydrate v 1.5 I bought it from LBNL(executable only) I think, that for mesh creation, ENDFI must be put in place of ENDCY now running this, creates mesh file,…
No convergence during CO2 injection into heterogeneous mineralogy
Hello, I am very stuck on a reactive transport modeling project, and was wondering if someone would be willing and able to help me. I have initialized a homogenous (100% quartz) 2-D aquifer system…
libgcc-s-dw2-1.dll & libgfortran-3.dll
I want to run executable file for Tough2 EOS7CA. I receive the following error messages: "The code execution cannot proceed because libgcc-s-dw2-1.dll was not found.…
Read/write file access w/PEST protocol
I am attempting to use the iTOUGH2 PEST protocol using a bash script as my forward-model executable. This script includes multiple calls of a TOUGHREACT simulation with file manipulation in between…
Difficulty in Understanding Mesh creation
Here are the contents of Meshmaker (This makes a radial grid with radius 224m and depth 10m, RZ2DL RADII 3 0.0e00 5.0e-2 7.0e-2 LOGAR 30 1.0e2 7.0e-2 RADII 1 5.001e2 LAYER 1 1.…
CONNECTION in Mesh file
Hi, dear all, I am recently having problems in defining the connected elements in the MESH file. I opened the MESH file, and I found there is error in "CONNE" part (own code in writing the MESH…
Control on outputs
Hi, Based on what is written in iTOUGH2 and other related manuals, printout frequency follows the calibration times when OUTPU module is applied. Is there anyway to get rid of this and only have the…
EOS7 - Specifying initial conditions
Hi all, I want to specify this initial condition using EOS7: Reservoir temperature: 240 degC Chloride concentration: 600 ppm weight = 0.06%-wt CO2 concentration: 0.5%-wt Steam fraction: 0.…
assigning the right enthalpy
Hi All, I'm running a thermal simulation using TMVOC where I'm also including a mass rate at the second layer beneath the atmospheric boundary layer. The mass rate represents annual precipitation.…
TOUGH-FLAC coupling
Hi, I am trying to use a coupled TOUGH-FLAC simulation on a reservoir model. I am just starting with a simple 'cube' model with uniform properties. I went through some of the works done by Jonny…
Hello, I have a question about TOUGH+HYDRATE(T+H). I want to run cartesian model (gird : 57x57x61(total about 200000). But T+H doesn't operate, and I get the following error message on the terminal:…
Wettability and capillary pressure direction in TOUGH2
Previous discussions indicate that the direction for Pc is always "pulling" the wetting component toward lower saturation regions. Does TOUGH assume the aqueous phase is always the wetting phase ?…
How to inject CO2 using eos2
Hi. I want to inject CO2 of 1000 ton/day and H2O of 2400 ton/day into model domain (1.5* 10 km) using EOS2. Following advice in https://tough.forumbee.…