Meaning of this error ?
I am trying to model a depressurization of hydrate system. Once i run the model, i get erroneous initialization error: What doe sit mean and how can i solve it? Element 541 lies in the hydrate zone,…
Compare [cumulative CH4(m3) ] from Well_Time_Series vs Hydrate_Info
Hello everyone I have a very simple problem Tough+Hydrate (v1.5) : I m trying to compare Methane production from the two sources (i) released from HYDRATE DISSOCIATION (ii) Total Production at the…
Re: How to apply this unique Mix of Neuman + Dirichlet Boundary conditions, for Temperature & Pressure, 1-d Problem
@ Mikey Hannon I have tried so many combinations that i am confused now..literally. Here's the paper(attached). in this paper, validation is done against the experiments around 4-5 details are also…Attachment -
How to apply this unique Mix of Neuman + Dirichlet Boundary conditions, for Temperature & Pressure, 1-d Problem
Hello everyone I am trying to setup a 1-D validation problem from a research paper for validating experimental results. In short, I need to apply Neuman & Dirichlet Boundary conditions,…
Post Processing for Contours of 3D Cylindrical system, R=224, Z=10m
This is my Plot_Data_Elements file, obtained after 3D simulation of Cylindrical grid of size R=224m and Z=10m, the problem is: its cylindrical coordinates(r,z) I have no problem,…
Re: use ENDFI to create mesh before initializing simulation , but how??? tried several combinations.....Mesh file remains empty
@ Mikey Hannon Unfortunately, As our Moderator, Mr. Reagan said. internal Meshmaker has been deprecated from tough+, so it's futile to try....when no meshmaker is present internally,… -
Re: use ENDFI to create mesh before initializing simulation , but how??? tried several combinations.....Mesh file remains empty
@Matthew Reagan said: perform separate equilibration runs to generate an INCON block that is in correct P-T-x equilibrium How to do this ?? I would be grateful, if you can attach a sample for these,… -
Re: use ENDFI to create mesh before initializing simulation , but how??? tried several combinations.....Mesh file remains empty
@ Matthew Reagan ok..i see... so meshmaker is not included in tough+ code executable...enlightening..for me..thnaks just one final question I have meshmaker code, i used meshmaker 1.…
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