Meaning of this error ?

I am trying to model a depressurization of hydrate system.

Once i run the model, i get erroneous initialization error: What doe sit mean and how can  i solve it?

Element 541 lies in the hydrate zone, so it is supposed to produce gas after hydrate dissociation.

!!!!!! "Phases2_AqH_Eql": Gas phase evolves at element "  541   " ==> Px  =  1.21189961E+07  Peq =  1.23791393E+07
 !!!!!!!!!!   Routine Phases2_AqH_Eql: ERRONEOUS DATA INITIALIZATION   ==>  STOP EXECUTION <<<<<<<<<<

7 replies

    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You gave an initial pressure 1.21189961E+07  with a Hydrate-Aqueous (AQH)  condition at the element "  541 ", but the given pressure is less than equilibrium pressure ( 1.23791393E+07) (means it can not be AQH at " 541 "). Please correct the initial condition and try again.

      • Castleberry
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Kenny I increased pressure and now its running.

      What condition should i give to depressurization elements, Aqu or AqG or some other?

      • Mahmud_muhammad_mahmud
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Brad Castleberry 

      hello brad,

      i think AQH is a e phase region where u have an equilibrium pressure, that means AqG which is gas and water phase should be lower than equilibrium and Aqu i imagine is underbudden or overbudden which is fully saturated with water, in that case the pressure should be higher than the equilibrium pressure. AqH should be the hydrate layer based on my understanding.

    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Do you mean using a large-volume virtual gridblock as a depressurization element for production? As both water and gas will be produced, I would suggest using AqG.  

      • Castleberry
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Kenny I mean a vertical well at the corner of R-Z  (2D mesh)

      • Castleberry
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Kenny Well Thanks....AqG works....but that brings me to my next question...what conditions would you use, i.e., 

      Fraction of Aq = 0.9 or 0.5 or 0.1?  and T =?   what temperature should be used for this element?

    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You may use a virtual large volume (vol=1.0e50) connecting to the well gridblock. The virtual element has a pressure equals to the production pressure (depressurization, may change with time) . The virtual element should have a condition representing borehole (it must be in a stable condition, not really matter in what phase condition). The flux between the virtual element and well element is the production rate. 

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