Post Processing for Contours of 3D Cylindrical system, R=224, Z=10m

This is my Plot_Data_Elements file, obtained after 3D simulation of Cylindrical grid of size R=224m and Z=10m,

the problem is: its cylindrical coordinates(r,z)

I have no problem, post-processing cartesian, 2D, 3D Contours using Tecplot

if anyone wants help in post-processing 2D, 3D cartesian, I am ready to help

However, I need help in radial 3d contour post-processing, so any help is highly appreciated!!!!

1 reply

    • Castleberry
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I figured finally that it's only a 2d mesh. there is no variation along theta direction

    got d contours

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