Simulation of the non-isothermal analysis of co2 injection
Hi, everyone i am now tyring to simulate the co2 injection under the non-isothermal situation byTOUGHREACT V1.2 ECO2N). For simplicity, i cosed the reactive transport in this simulation and focus on…
Modify capillary pressure unit by unit
Hi, everyone I have recently read a lot of coupling programs carried out based on the TOUGH series of software, and I noticed that they have an equation for modifying the capillary pressure,…
About the design of boundary
Hi, everyone, I'm working on setting the boundary conditions for no flow and constant pressure in a model using TOUGHREACT v1.2 ECO2N. I have two questions: For the no flow boundary condition,…
Output of permeability and initial value of porosity and permeability
Hi,everyone i am using TOUGHREACT v1.2/ECO2N, and i have some issues (1) i find that the file 'solid.out" only shows one permeability, what orientation it is ?…
About the fluid velocity in the governing equation
Hi, everyone, I'm currently studying the governing equations underlying TOUGHREACT, particularly in the context of the ECO2N module. The entire solution process is as follows: (1)For the fluid flow…
how to calculate the amount of CO2(aq) in ECO2N
Hi, everyone, I'm want to know the meaning of "XCO2(aq)" in the file of flow. out and how can I calculate the amount of CO2 which was sequestered by dissolution capture?…
How to show the permeability and porosity changes?
I'm using TOUGHREACT1.2/ECO2N with Petrasim,and i found that my result shows that the permeability and porosity is the same as my initial value,but I have opened the KCPL to consider feedback effects…
About the SEED with porosity
Hi, everyone I'm using TOUGHREACT1.2/ECO2N with Petrasim,and i found that in Petrsim can set different porosity for each cell in "Set cell data", so I wonder how can I achieve that by text…
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