Natural State geothermal model calibration using itough2

Hello everyone.
I have been modelling the natural state of a geothermal field (which shows excellent convection) using TOUGH2. I have achieve almost perfect fits for a section of the field, but my temperatures are still about 18°C too low in two areas. After attempting to calibrate this, the temperatures are still decreasing :(
Someone suggested that since my temperature profiles have an ideal shape (only problem is that the temperature is too low), then I can try to calibrate using iTOUGH2. I have never used iTOUGH2, but i created the input file, however when trying to run it, I get error messages looking like the image attached.
Do I have to change anything in my TOUGH2 file, or is te error within the iTOUGH file attached?
I appreciate any suggestions you can provide.
26 replies
I'm afraid I cannot help you much for the following reasons:
(1) I cannot reproduce the error.
(2) You did not attach your output file, and did not provide all input files needed to run your case.
(3) It does not make sense that the code accepts the same error for the first two runs and then decides to crash hard on the third.
(4) Your input files have a lot of other issues (here are just two: you either did not specify a calibration time at the time when you measured your profile (I can't tell, because you did not send me a complete set of your input files), or you try to calibrate the single profile at multiple times; your 57 data points only refer to 4 elements).
Should I be wrong about Point (3), and the issue is indeed related to Line 940 of eos1.f, I attach a new file with the format statement changed.
Regarding (4), I encourage you to run both the TOUGH2 and iTOUGH2 sample problems before attempting to do an inversion of a model with 50,000 elements with fundamentally questionable outcome.