ECO2N, initial condition

Hi,dear all
I'm working on gravity equilibration by TOUGH2 ECO2N module.
First,the bondary condition is shown in the picture, and I have attached my input file, MESH,SAVE,and the output file.

In the flow.inp, uppbo is upper boundary, and basbo is lower boundary.
After program execution,he pressure distribution and the temperature distribution are wrong,by adjusting the parameters of the permeability, the pressure distribution may be right, while the temperature distribution is also wrong, I don't know why.
I appreciate if anyone can provide some suggestion as to why this is occurring, and if anyone can help overcome this issue.Thanks very much.

7 replies

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Here's a quick comment and a few tips:

    (1) The system clearly has not reached steady state after 1000 time steps (I can tell from ST, DT and DX1) - I would therefore be impossible for me to guess what pressure and temperature profile I would expect at this random time (i.e., I don't think anything is wrong - the inconsistency is just that your expectations are for steady-state conditions, whereas you stopped the simulation after a short time, T and even P cannot equilibrate over a distance of 2 km after a single day of simulated time!). 

    (2) Your convergence criterion RE1=1E-9 is unnecessarily tight for a steady-state run; 1E-5 would suffice; this change should allow you to get to steady state much faster. (By the way: your SOLVR parameters are a little inconsistent with RE1=1E-9).

    (3) Increase MCYC (I would try 2500, which should be enough to reach your specified endtime of 100 years; you still need to check whether you have actually reached steady state, though!).

    (4) It would also be useful to actually observe how the system evolves from your initial conditions to steady state; so please set MCYPR to a reasonable value (e.g., 500) and/or add a TIMES block, so you get some output you can analyze and a feeling for the system behavior. This is also helpful if you submit questions to the forum, so your output file contains some useful information other than the raw convergence numbers.

    I did not run your model, but these simple changes will hopefully help.


    • sawyer
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Stefan for your reply! 

    I followed your advice, and that went well.

    I  really appreciate your help.


    • sawyer
    • 9 yrs ago
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    hi,Stefan, i don't what does NaN mean in the output file, I appreciate if you can provide some suggestion as to this issue. Thanks very much.

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    NaN means "not-a-number" and it indicates that something went really wrong (divide by zero; square root of a negative number, overflow/underflow, etc.). I would need to see the input file (but am not sure I have the time to debug this right away - anybody from the TOUGH community willing to have a look at this? Thanks!)


    • sawyer
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Stefan

    The input file is at the top of the this page---flow.inp.

    Can anybody have a look at this?

    • sawyer
    • 9 yrs ago
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    sorry,the input file is as fllows.

    • sawyer
    • 9 yrs ago
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    Hi,Stefan, I changed DLT to a smaller one, and it works, at least the "NaN" is gone!! I don't know whether DLT dominates this issue, or just by chance it worked?

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