low injection rate cannot work in 2D model

Hi, everyone.

I am so sorry to interrupt you again for a same question.

I want to simulate the dissolution and precipitation of sandstone in 2D model, which were induced by meteoric water injection.

I set injection rate 3.1710E-04 kg/s on the top surface during 5Ma, but it abruptly stopped before TIMAX. The iter.out showed "simulation finished" and flow.out file reminded this error "EOS CANNOT FIND PARAMETER".

I tried to decrease the NDLT for better convergence, but it did not work.

Could you can provide some suggestions for this strange error?

Best regrds.


iter.out message:

flow.out message:

1 reply

    • kenny
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    It seems something is wrong with the flow model. You may turn off the transport and reaction simulation, and make sure the flow model works correctly. If it still does not work, you need make sure the source/sinks are correct. As the flow model is pretty simple, it should work.

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