where to specify the tolerance of gas transport in tr2.0
from a recent simulation, 'runlog.dat' shows the bellow error message:
Warning: chemistry did not converge at node a 8 (routine NEWTONEQ), Non-convergence type: absolute Node temperature (C): 10.00 Liq.sat.: .93846E+00
Mineral: o2(g) Mass action error =-.3622E+02 Tolerance= 0.1000E-04 Program execution was not aborted. Check results!
Calls to chdump reached limit of 1000 at node: a 8 - printout is skipped
Time (seconds) = 0.2797E+04
I am wondering where to specify the convergent tolerance of gas in the model? I tried to find it in solute.inp (MAXITPTR and MAXITPCH in particular) but nothing related to 1e-5 as shown above.
Thanks, Chenming
1 reply
Hi Chenming,
Gas is defined in several places. In multiphase flow, gas saturation and transport is part of the flow solution and is subject to the Newton-Raphson criterion in PARAM in flow.inp. Transport of gas species defined in chemistry is subject to the same criterion. Convergence of the full chemical system (aqueous species, minerals, and gases) is subject to the tolch criterion in solute.inp. That is the value of 1.e-5 that was printed out.