Hi everyone, i am new to Tough+Hydrate. I compiled the source codes but the simulator didn't run. i have attached my run.

6 replies

    • paul
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi everyone, i have been able to run the test examples and plotted the outputs. However, i have some 

    questions. i noticed these dimensions "below" in the input files, i would like to know how these dimensions were generated and is there any means to virtual the data. I will like to generate my own data. thanks



    A00 1              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.5100E-01-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 2              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.1510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 3              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.2510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 4              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.3510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 5              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.4510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 6              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.5510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 7              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.6510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 8              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.7510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A00 9              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.8510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    A0010              10.1000E+000.4000E+00          0.9510E+00-.5000E+00-.5000E+00

    ina                                                                              I                                                                            

    A00 0              10.1000E-020.4000E-02          0.5000E-03-.5000E+00-.5000E+00 I    



    A00 0A00 1                   10.5000E-030.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 1A00 2                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 2A00 3                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 3A00 4                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 4A00 5                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 5A00 6                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 6A00 7                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 7A00 8                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 8A00 9                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A00 9A0010                   10.5000E-010.5000E-010.1000E+01

    A0010A0011                   10.5000E-010.5000E-030.1000E+01

      • Alejandro_Bello
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      paul Do you have the meshmaker executable within your files? ELEME and CONNE sections are generated easily by Meshmaker.

    • Alok_Prasad
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Paul,

    I have started working on numerical modeling of gas hydrate in porous media. I am new to tough+hydrate. I have installed the same on my laptop. I am confused about how to start with it. I am not able to find out the place where to write the code. I have come across the black screen which on entering ask for the title but on writing the title and pressing enter, the screen crashes. It's just totally new to me, I have started to follow the tough+ hydrate manual, it says all about the what the code does and what are the input parameters but where to put that codes, I am still not able to figure it out.

    Any sort of suggestion will be appreciated.


      • Alok_Prasad
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      I am able to figure out the simulator.

      • Alok_Prasad
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Alok Prasad not*

      • Alejandro_Bello
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Alok Prasad You need to run the program in terminal or cmd. Open a terminal and go to the location where the executable file is place. Type its name followed by input file name and the output file name. For example:

      t+h.exe <case_1.in> case_1.out

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