How to set reasonable injection rate?

Hi, everyone.

I want to simulate the dissolution and precipitation induced by meteoric water injection.

Firstly, I acquired the annual rain precipitation about 100 mm/a. Then, I created the 1-D mesh about 1(50m)*1(50m)*30(1500m) , the injection area equal to x*y=2500 m2, so calculated injection rate  was 7.9274E-02 kg/s. Then i tried to run this model during 2Ma, but it stopped very early (lower than one year). I tried to increased the injection rate to unreliable value (7.9274E+02 kg/s, enlarged 4 order of magnitude), it finished successfully.

Could you can provide some suggestions for this strange error?  I wanted to use the more reliable injection rate (7.9274E-02 kg/s) for my model.

Looking forward to your replying!

3 replies

    • Merson
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view
    • TOUGHREACT Developer
    • Eric_Sonnenthal
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


    I can't open these .rar files. If you send a normal zip, tar, etc. file I can open it. There are some different ways to handle infiltration. It really depends on whether the atmospheric chemistry (e.g. O2, CO2, relative humidity) is needed because the soil is unsaturated or if the model assumes the top of the water table, etc. These considerations then dictate which EOS module to use. Unsaturated infiltration can be a little tricky because the air has to move out of the soil column during infiltration (for multiphase flow). Also, in many areas the infiltration is significantly lower than the precipitation because of evapotranspiration. The head induced by infiltration has to go out the bottom of the model or else the water column will buildup. Thus the bottom layer should usually be a layer of very large volume grid blocks. Before running these cases, you must go through running a flow steady-state as the initial conditions for the reactive-transport problem.


      • Merson
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view


      Hi Eric, Thanks for your replying. 

      I feel sorry let you misunderstand and upload unzip files. 

      I used EOS1 & toughreact to simulate chemical interaction between saturated salt water reservoirs and meteoric water. This is a question about a sing phase fluid infiltration. Top surface (injection)  received the meteoric water and bottom surface had infinite volume. If I set lower injection rate, the simulation will stop early before TIMAX and remind me "the simulation finished" in iter.out file.

       Could you help me check these files?

      Best regards

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