problems running an old TOUGH2 model

Hi. I am trying to run an old model that made by another student last year, and receive the following error message in the command prompt:

forrt1: severe <64>: input conversion error, unit 5, file CONIN$

Can someone explain this error to me? They may have used a different version of TOUGH than I have.

7 replies

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 10 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Nora,

    Believe it or not: TOUGH is backwards compatible, so it should work.

    The error message indicates a formatting error in the input file. If there is nothing obvious it could be hidden in wrong end-of-line characters (did you zip the file, tar it, ftp it, or switch from PC to Unix to Mac?). Also, check whether a MESH file is available (in case there is no ELEME block in the input file), or a valid INCON file (in case there are no blocks INCON and START in the input file).

    If you cannot figure it out, send me the file.

    Good luck!


    • Nora
    • 10 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    Hi Stefan,

    The file was originally sent to me in a zip folder and then was extracted. There appears to be an ELEME block and START. There is no INCON, but there is an INDOM block. Does it still need the INCON?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 10 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    No, INDOM and INCON are both optional; you may just run into a formatting error of INCON is not present, START is missing, and the INCON file sitting in your working directory has fewer elements than the one in your input file - a remote possibility, but I nevertheless wanted to point it out.


    • Geothermal, Reservoir, Engineer
    • Ichwan_Elfajrie
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Steve,

    I know this thread has been posted a long time ago. But, I have similar problem which is still not solved according to your answer.

    So I created the input file as attached, then it cannot be run by command. The result shows as follow:


    I checked the input file format and found no mistakes (according to TOUGH2 User Manual). Could you please to check it out? Thanks in advance.

    Nb: the exe file is xt2_eos1.  

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Please attach the input file.


    • Geothermal, Reservoir, Engineer
    • Ichwan_Elfajrie
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Ups, sorry. Please find the attachment.

    • Senior Geothermal Scientist - Vatnaskil Consulting Engineers
    • Andri_Arnaldsson
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    There seems to be a tab character after the first element name - substitute it with white spaces.

    - AA

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