Error message help

Hi Everyone,

I am not sure I ask this question in the right forum.  

I am testing the Tough3 EOS1 with Minc.  The cell number is about 0.4 million including the MINC element.  I can run the same case in Tough2 MP version, however, when I run it in Tough3, it gives me the error message as shown in the images.  Anyone have any idea what cause those errors?

What is the cell limit that Tough2 MP version or Tough3 can take?  Thanks a lot!



1 reply

    • George_Pau
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Wendy,

    TOUGH3 is still under testing and development, and is not release to the public yet. I am also not aware that you are a tester for TOUGH3.  It would be best that you send an email directly to me or Yoojin.  



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  • 9 yrs agoLast active
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