how to set initial temperature distribution

Hi,tough community users,

I want to prepare the initial or stable pressure and temperature conditions for EGS. INDOM was introduced into my flow file. The UPPE1 reservoir is the top mesh having 1.e5  Pa and 20℃, the BOTT1 reservoir is the bottom mesh having 1MPa and 40℃. The whole model depth is 1000m. Meanwhile, the density and volume of BOTT1 were set to very high values. The save file showed the pressure acquire stable or hydrostatic condition, but the temperature distribution didnot increasing as depth.  What am I doing wrong? 

Looking forward for your replying!

1 reply

    • kenny
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    You run the simulation in isothermal. So, the energy equation was not solved and there was no temperature change. 

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