Partitioning Tracer-EOS7C


I have two question

1- Regarding temperature dependency of Henry's coefficient, I was wondering if TOUGH2/EOS7C considers this or not? and if yes, at what reference temperature should HCTRC (SELEC.7) be put as an input? (maybe you can also give me hints where I can find this temperature dependency within the source code?)

2- Is phase-partitioning calculated only for equilibrium conditions?


Many thanks in advance,


4 replies

    • Staff Scientist
    • Christine_Doughty
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Ramin,

    1.  See the EOS7C User's Manual, Section 2.2, in particular, the text leading up to Equation (13), which describes how the Henry's coefficient is calculated for the NCG component (component #3), which can be CO2 or N2.  It is temperature dependent.  The SELEC.7 entry is the inverse Henry coefficient for the tracer component (component #4), which is just a constant.

    2.  TOUGH always assumes local equilibrium, so phase partitioning always applies.  Maybe I am misunderstanding your question, so if anyone else has something to add here, please do.


      • Ramin.1
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Christine Doughty 

      Dear Chris,

      Thanks for your detailed answer. I got your point, but one more question (because still I don't understand well, sorry), what do you mean by ''SELEC.7 entry is the inverse Henry coefficient for the tracer component (component #4), which is just a constant''  ? Do you mean that it does not change with temperature? (as it should, right?)


      Many thanks again.


      • Staff Scientist
      • Christine_Doughty
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      Dear Ramin,

      Yes, that is what I meant: the Henry's coefficient for the tracer component does not change with temperature.  Whether it should change with temperature depends on what tracer you are representing and the range of temperatures in your problem.  If temperature variation of the tracer Henry's coefficient is important for your problem, maybe it would be better to use TMVOC and specify detailed thermodynamic information for the tracer component.


      • Ramin.1
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Christine Doughty 

      Dear Chris,


      Many thanks for your reply. 


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