inchem and INCON in TR- difference with TMVOC
Guys Just realized that if you remove +++ at the end of INCON, TR does not read inchem file. This is different with e.g TMVOC Kind regards Kaveh
An issue (experience) with very large mesh
Hi all Just to share my experience. I have a very large mesh (6E5 grid cells). Surprisingly the name of some elements start with "END" (like END 1, .. END10 etc).…
Recompiling with higher number of ELEME/CONNE
Hi I remember I read somewhere which parameters to be modified to recompile the code (omp-v3.3) to include higher number of elements and connections. However I cant find it.…
Radioactive chain decay
Hi Is it possible to simulate radioactive chain decay (i.e parents produce daughter elements) in TOUGHREACT? It is more complicated than the simple decay equation,…
TMVOC-MP is compiled but doesn't work
Hi Guys, After years of using TMVOC, we have recently bought TMVOC-MP. Unfortunately we have not yet had a pleasant experience and need some help. I tried to compile the code (with a headache…
Problem in 3D LNAPL spillage modelling with TMVOC
Hi friends, I am simulating problem r2dl in the TMVOC Manual but in a 3D geometry with the domain size of 220m*120m*20m(depth) with the discretization of 51*51*51 nodes.…
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