CHEMP block for diesel and gasoline?
Hello, does anyone know where I can get access to a CHEMP block for diesel fuel and gasoline? Preferably, reference documents justifying the parameterization would also be helpful,…
Values <1.0E-100 included in SAVE file with improper formatting.
When running with tough3-eos3, we noticed that there were some values for air mass fraction (X2) that were below 1.0E-100, but the "E" was not included.…
Using TOUGHREACT with outside flow data
So I think the answer to this is "no", but is there a way to run TOUGHREACT using fixed velocity fields provided by an EOS module from another TOUGH code, like TOUGH3?…
Graceful ways for stuck Monte Carlo instances to fail and resample
Hey everyone, (ahem... mostly talking to you, @Stefan!) I'm trying to run a set of Monte Carlo simulations and there are a subset of cases that get stuck in a seemingly unending loop of minuscule…
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