General question about Capillary Pressure
In terms of flow I still struggle to understand the reasons/use of having capillary pressure as an option in ROCKS. How different is flow when it is disabled?…
Inhibitor parameters in T+H
Browsing through the sample files I encountered the following two lines that sets up the inhibitor in the HYDRATE Section. In the manual, the following parameters are set for the variables…
A question about computational parameters
If a simulation time is taking too many tile steps until it reaches the Max_NumTimeSteps parameter, but it has covered only a short of time simulated, what can be done in PARAM to optimize this.…
How to set initial temperatures below zero
Hi again. I am attempting to model some occurrences where the boundary temperature is a couple of degrees below 0 degC. Whenever I set the temperature in INCON below zero,…
Unexpected gas phase evolving
In a simulation case where no gas is defined nowhere in the initial conditions (Aqu with X_m_A=0) I am getting some values of gas at during the simulation.…
Geo-gridding for TOUGH+
Hi, besides flat cartesian and axis-symmetric radial grids, is it possible to use in TOUGH+ a grid with tilted cells that honor geological dip like the added picture?
How to handle convergence
I am using a simple 2D grid to simulate the growth of hydrates after some gas injection occurs in the system. Ideally I would like to shut down the source (injector) and let the system evolve with…
Heat Conductivity and Specific Heat
Regarding the magnitudes of these 2 parameters in the ROCKS section, I have not figured out what they exactly represent. For example, If I have a 30% sandstone,…
Pre/post processing tools for TOUGH+ Hydrate
Hi, I am starting to use this tool and wondered if PyTOUGH could be used for this? I am familiar to Python and would be nice to know if there exists scripts fro pre and postprocessing in Python.…
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