ECO2N non-isothermal issue

I'm injecting CO2 (at enthalpy 3.09E5 J/kg, about room temperature) to a reservoir having temperature range 50C to 100C, but the temperature at injection cell drop quickly to 3C after injecting that the simulation crashed. I'm wondering how could the formation temperature drop below the temperature of injection fluid?

the heat conductivity of formation is 2.51 W/(m·K), and specific heat is 920.0 J/(kg·K).

2 replies

    • yqzhang
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Jing,

    What is the injection pressure in your simulation? And what is the pressure corresponding to the enthalpy you provided?

    How about you let the injected CO2 go through one element before it enters the reservoir. the element should have the desired injection temperature, assign a big density for the material associated with the element to keep T constant. This will make sure you are injecting CO2 with the T you thought you are injecting.


      • jing
      • 7 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Thank you very much Yingqi ! I'm running a constant injection rate case, so the pressure changes. I'll try to your advise above.

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