Suppress CO2 dissolution in TOUGH2
Hello all,
I am trying to suppress CO2 dissolution in TOUGH2 (set CO2 solubility in brine as 0) to investigate how big the impact that CO2 dissolution can have on CO2 plume migration. However, I am not sure how to do that. I am using TOUGH2 with PetraSim as pre and post processor, and I am using ECO2N as the EOS module. Thank you for paying attention to this post, and all answers to this question are highly appreciated.
A TOUGH2 user
4 replies
You may have to modify the code a little bit to realize this special "dead water" case. For example, in the subroutine PVTCX, you add a check (e.g., if IE(10)==1) to avoid the calculations of xl2m (the equilibrium mass fraction of CO2 in H2O-rich phase) and y1m (the equilibrium mass fraction of H2O in CO2-rich phase) and force them to be zero instead. In this way, you can active this option in the input file (e.g., IE(10)=1:"dead water" or IE(10)=0:fully soluble).
Hello Lehua,
Thank you so much for your reply. Sorry to say that I have limited programming experience in TOUGH2 because I am using TOUGH2 packaged in PetraSim. Should those changes be applied to ECO2N module packaged in PetraSim? Thanks!
Yes, the subroutine PVTCX should in ECO2N module. You have to recompile and link the code after make proper changes to the source code.
Good luck!
I will try. Thanks a lot for your help!