CO2TAB file in ECO2N

Hello to everyone !

***I apologize for copying the post, but I have published the previous one in the wrong section.***

I would like to model CO2 injection into high temperature and high pressure EGS reservoir. I know that by default, ECO2N has limitations on maximum allowed temperature throught simulation (103.04 deg. C). This is fixed in CO2TAB file. However, from what I've read this can be changed. Therefore, I would like to extend temperature range to approx. 200 deg. C. My questions are following:

1) How exactly does the structure of this file look like? I mean the full syntax. Knowing this, I think I would be able to create my own file.

2) What is the reference state for specific enthalpy calculation ? I can obtain very accurate results for the density and dynamic viscosity (using CoolProp), but I cannot reproduce values for specific enthalpy.

3) Currently, I am using Petrasim for pre-processing. Even when I create my own CO2TAB file (with 2 values for temperature and pressure), Petrasim is creating it's own CO2TAB file (default range, 127x51 values for P and T, respectively) after starup of simulation. Do I need to use "clean" TOUGH2 to include "new" co2tab file?

4) Can anyone provide me co2tab3.f and rco2h files (+instruction for compiling) to create my own range for co2tab file ? Alternatively, can anyone create CO2TAB file with temperature up to 200 deg. C (pressure as default - 600 bar) and send it to my e-mail (miecznik@min-pan.krakow.pl)?

Best regards,




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