Columns Headings in COFT (T2Well)


In the manual of T2Well, five variables should be obtained in COFT file. While using T2Well, I find seven outputs per connection without titles. Can anyone help me to identify the output specified for each column. In the attached excel file, I tried to reproduce the results of Case2 but I am still not sure what is the output of each column.


Thanks in advance

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    • Staff Scientist
    • Christine_Doughty
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I don't know T2Well in particular, but in general for identifying COFT entries I make sure TOUGH is printing out at least one main output (search for the string OUTPUT DATA), with flow information included (KDATA>=2) and then look there for the elements in COFT and try to match up the variables between the main output and the COFT file.  I also do this for FOFT.

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