Jacobian in TOUGH2-MP
Is it possible to extract Jacobian matrix from TOUGH2-MP at each iteration step?
Is it stored as sparse form?
It wound be great if there is a way I can call the Jacobian subroutine to compute the Jacobian for me, by taking any vector as input, e.g. J(x), and the output is a Jacobian matrix of sparse form. Anyone has done that?
2 replies
Hi Judith,
The jacobian are being constructed explicitly so theoretically you can. But, there is currently no interface to do that. It is stored in a sparse format, but jacobian is constructed locally on each processor. Writing it out in a manner that makes sense will require some work.
If you are interested, the jacobian is contained with the "aval" variable after you call MULTI in Main_Comp.f90. For the exact format in which aval is stored, you can refer to the TOUGH2-MP user guide under section 3.
Thank you!