How to show the permeability and porosity changes?

I'm using TOUGHREACT1.2/ECO2N with Petrasim,and i found that my result shows that the permeability and porosity is the same as my initial value,but I have opened the KCPL to consider feedback effects of changes of porosity, permeability, and capillary pressure due to mineral dissolution and precipitation on flow.

And below is my result which shows the runtime for 100years,but it shows that the permeability and porosity of the caprock and resorvior didn't change,so I wonder how to design to let it change

 I hope someone can tell me, thank you all !


3 replies

    • TOUGHREACT Developer
    • Eric_Sonnenthal
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


    Did you set up permeability-porosity zones in chemical.inp and then assign the zones to grid blocks in solute.inp?


      • Luoluo
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       yeah,i design permeability and porosity with cubic law and assign it to both caprock and reservoir


      so it confused me that it shows no changes, maybe it still remain some other ways to show the changes?

    • Alison_Alcott
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I would check your solute.inp file to confirm that this zone is assigned to each cell.  If you have set the zone in the Layer manager, but then assigned a different zone through a Region or through Cell-based settings, then they would over-ride the Layer-based settings.  

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