TOUGH2; grids; running time too long
I used TOUGH2 for a transient fluid flow analysis (total time for 1 year) using grids showed in the figure.
Element volumes range from 1.0e-04 to 2.0e-1. The total number of elements is around 160000. After 24 hours, TOUGH2 is still running. The time step seems keep constant with a value of 0.843750E+02.
I think it took quite a long time. I checked some information showed in the output file. It shows that TOUGH2 reduced time step at element APF78. The element is the smallest element in the mesh. I changed types of solvers provided in the code but almost no change.
I cannot change the mesh because I still need the mesh for modeling fracture propagation.
Is there any way to shorten the simulation time without changing mesh or changing PC?
Best regards,
The information showed in the output file is:
...ITERATING... AT [ 1, 1] --- DELTEX = 0.864000E+05 MAX. RES. = 0.260381E+08 AT ELEMENT APF78 EQUATION 2
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCESSIVE RESIDUAL = 2.60381E+07
+++++++++ REDUCE TIME STEP AT ( 1, 1) ++++++++ ++++++++ NEW DELT =0.216000E+05
...ITERATING... AT [ 1, 1] --- DELTEX = 0.216000E+05 MAX. RES. = 0.650952E+07 AT ELEMENT APF78 EQUATION 2
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCESSIVE RESIDUAL = 6.50952E+06
+++++++++ REDUCE TIME STEP AT ( 1, 1) ++++++++ ++++++++ NEW DELT =0.540000E+04
...ITERATING... AT [ 1, 1] --- DELTEX = 0.540000E+04 MAX. RES. = 0.162738E+07 AT ELEMENT APF78 EQUATION 2
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCESSIVE RESIDUAL = 1.62738E+06
+++++++++ REDUCE TIME STEP AT ( 1, 1) ++++++++ ++++++++ NEW DELT =0.135000E+04
...ITERATING... AT [ 1, 1] --- DELTEX = 0.135000E+04 MAX. RES. = 0.406845E+06 AT ELEMENT APF78 EQUATION 2
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCESSIVE RESIDUAL = 4.06845E+05
+++++++++ REDUCE TIME STEP AT ( 1, 1) ++++++++ ++++++++ NEW DELT =0.337500E+03
...ITERATING... AT [ 1, 1] --- DELTEX = 0.337500E+03 MAX. RES. = 0.101711E+06 AT ELEMENT APF78 EQUATION 2
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCESSIVE RESIDUAL = 1.01711E+05
+++++++++ REDUCE TIME STEP AT ( 1, 1) ++++++++ ++++++++ NEW DELT =0.843750E+02
...ITERATING... AT [ 1, 1] --- DELTEX = 0.843750E+02 MAX. RES. = 0.254278E+05 AT ELEMENT APF78 EQUATION 2
8 replies
Jin Wu,
It’s entirely possible that a model this big would take more than 24 hours to run. It’s hard to say, specifically, what measures you can take to shorten this time. In general, numerical stability limits the size of the time steps when the model introduces inherently unstable flow phenomena like large pressure differences that take place over small distances. The best advice I can give, without looking too closely at the model you’re generating, is to test different strategies (e.g., higher residual tolerances in Jacobian time step calculations) on a simpler model that incorporates most of the physics/conditions you would like to include and see which approaches give faster results before applying them to the large model.
If you find there are no shortcuts, I’d encourage you to run this model with a parallel simulator like TOUGH3.
Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful.
Hi Jin Wu,
Thank you for providing some description of the problem. In addition to Mikey's advice, one needs more information to help: e.g., What is the eos module you used? You showed the first time step information but after some time, was the code still iterating on the same element APF78? What is happening for the element (e.g., any phase change) that the code is iterating on?
Also, can you start your initial time step as one second and let TOUGH decides how to grow time steps?
I concur with Mikey Hannon , you should start with a lower resolution mesh to make sure that your input files are running correctly. I don't know what meshing software you are using (although it looks like Gmsh), but you should be able to apply a general mesh size factor.
Besides, how many Newtonian iterations did you set? I find it weird that it always failed after the first one. Did you set MOP(16) (usually half the number of Newtonian iterations)?