Encounter problems using TMT2
I use TMT2 transform between GMS & TOUGH2 coded by Andrea.
Got some problems:
- "*.ghb" is used for reading constant-head elements. However, I do not get "*.ghb" after "Export Native MF2K text..." step. I do set constant-head boundary in the model but do not get "*.ghb" after exporting native files. Is it be exported by other way?
- I build a simple model and set all grid hydraulic conductivity (k). After I open the translated file "*_mesh", I see some similar data repeats but can't find the k value. Wondering what the data shown means? (As attachment)
- Tough2 also can write mesh data and export "*.xyz". That's a file with xyz data. What be generated with TMT2 is not xyz file. I am wondering what different between these two kind of mesh files... I am still working on this part because Tough2 is a new simulator for me...
Thanks a lot!
2 replies
- I do not get "*.ghb" --> Il try to guess what the problem is. Before exporting in Native format you must run a MODFLOW simulation. This is because the correct files are actually read by MODFLOW and written to a binary file. I find that running MODFLOW first is important because it allows to check the model (Grid + BC) in its most simple hydrologic behavior.
- Set all grid hydraulic conductivity --> You do not have to se hydraulic conductivities in GMS. Instead use "Materials". Materials are set by using "Edit --> Materials" command. Materials are identified by a 2-digit number and a material name. In TOUGH2 you have to define a ROCKS block (see User Guide page 160) within your model file. In the ROCKS block each rock type is identified by a 5-characters name. You need to set up a file with extension "*.rck" similar to what is shown in point 13 of the TMT2 ReadMe file. In this way TMT2 is able to read the MODFLOW Material 2-digit identifier and translate it into the corresponding 5-characters Rock Type. When you set up the MODFLOW run remember to set up "MODFLOW --> LPF-Layer Property Flow --> Use Material IDs" to assign to each cell the proper 2-digit material code. Don't assign hydraulic conductivities directly to the cells. You assign them in the "Materials" window. Remember also that TOUGH2 does not want hydraulic condutivities, but permeabilities. If you follow this instruction carefully you should see in the MESH file created by TMT2 a rock name assigned to each element.
- You can use MESHMAKER in TOUGH2 to create a MESH file. It is simple, but you loose the ability to use the GMS powerful geologic modeling tools.
- If you are new to TOUGH2, I suggest you to spend a day reading the TOUGH2 User Guide. It is worth the effort and even if you do not understand something you can always go back when you need it. This is what I do when using TOUGH2...
I hope it is helpful.
Hi everyone, Hi Andrea Borgia,
I want to know where i can find TMT2,it's a free tool ?Thanks a lot !