Flow of mineral water


I am studying the chemical effect of water in contact with cement, so I have, basically, several cells made of cement next to others of water. I would like to have a continual reviewal of the water, by injecting some new for example.

My problem is the following : I only achieve to add pure water, I don't know how to modify its chemical composition. Can you help me ?

Thank you very much !

1 reply

    • Mikey_Hannon
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I believe the answer you're looking for is in the chemical input file under what is termed "Boundary Waters".  You'll go to the section of chemical.inp where you define Initial and Boundary Water Types.  This is what is referred to as the line Water-1 in the TOUGHREACT manual (pg. 48).  In this you will define a Boundary Water with the chemical composition of the water you'd like to inject.  Then you would go to your solute.inp file and associate whichever element you'll be injecting into with the Boundary Water type (This would be "1" if you are only creating one injection water) you just created.  This would be done by changing the variable IZBW in solute.inp, which is in Record_15 (see TOUGHREACT manual pg. 33). 

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