About the regular and radial mesh

Hi everyone,

I was using TOUGHREACT V1.2  ECO2N to run a simple injection simulation,and When I set up multiple injection points(such as 5 points and each is spaced 20m apart, that is, one or two meshes apart inside my model),i found that:

(1)when I use the regular mesh, Even when using a very small injection rate(such as 1e-3 kg/s), he reports an error, which can be mitigated a bit by spacing out the injection points a bit or delete some inj points to alleviate the non-convergence, but often counts a few days or less than a year before reporting the error;

(2)when I use radial mesh,everything seems to work just fine,I can set the injection rate up to  few hundred! (Although sometimes it doesn't stop even after a few years.)

So I'd like to ask why these two grids cause this difference? Hopefully someone can give me a rationale!

4 replies

    • TOUGHREACT Developer
    • Eric_Sonnenthal
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


    Can you tell us what the error is? Is it in the flow or the chemistry? I don't quite see how this would be a grid issue.



      • denim_scarf
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       HI,eric,i close the reactive module and i run a 2D isothermal model and i just wanna find out why the difference between the two mesh , which under the same parameter

      • denim_scarf
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       it is the outfile using Petrasim with rectangle mesh,i design the injection rate as 5kg/s and it went wrong

      • denim_scarf
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       And I also discovered a phenomenon. When using a rectangle grid, CO2 will be distributed both below and above the injection point, forming a peach-shaped distribution centered on the injection point. However, if a radial grid is used, CO2 will only appear at the injection point. Above the point, that is, it moves upward under the action of gravity to form a plume. So regarding this point, I would also like to ask why the rectangle grid has such an unreasonable distribution.

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