3D Visualization Software

Hi, guys! Some questions have been bothering me for a long time, I need help! OK, I have built a 3D model. But when visualizing with tecplot,the result is not what I want. I want non-layered 3D graphics,would anyone like to help me solve this problem or recommend some 3D visualization software?


4 replies

    • kenny
    • 2 yrs ago
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    TOUGH mesh only provides the central point coordinates of each gridblock. For a full 3D plot, you need the gridblock shape information (such as coordinates for corner points). You may get slightly better plot by turning on the interpolation with higher resolution. If you use a third party software (such as MVIEW, petrasim) to  generating MESH, you will be able to produce good 3D plots with these software.

    • TOUGHREACT Developer
    • Eric_Sonnenthal
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I use ParaView and Visit regularly to make excellent 3-D plots. I typically use Paraview to create the vtk files of the individual time steps from the tecplot files, and then Visit to do the plotting. Some people prefer ParaView, but it doesn't seem very intuitive to me, so I mostly use it for file conversions. However, the ease of plotting depends on the grid format. The easiest plotting is done in 3-D when the grid is structured, and the ordering is in XY planes going either up or down from the top. Since our grids for TReactMech are at mostly structured (just extra well elements or atmosphere blocks at the end), it is straightforward. If the grids are unstructured, then you can use the resampling feature in Visit to make a uniform grid that can be plotted. If your grid is fairly uniform this works well. You may be able to directly triangulate unstructured data, however I have not figured out how to do this (it works well in Generic Mapping tools in 2-D).

    • Mikey_Hannon
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Keurfon Luu's  toughio application has a pretty excellent exporter to create vtk's, which I've used and imported directly into ParaView. You can find more information about it here.

    • Researcher
    • Stefano_Bondua
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I suggest to use TOUGH2Viewer in order to have 3D visualizations or for exporting your grid and results  in vtu file  format for Paraview. 

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