Last bock in CO2TAB file

Hello everyone:

    I have difficulties to understand the last block in CO2TAB file and search for help from here. I know the previous blocks are pressure, temperature, viscosity, density and enthalpy with multiple entries. But the format of last block is clearly different from the above. How do I interpret this block? Thanks!


3 replies

    • Reservoir Engineer
    • Alfredo_b
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    The first 3 lines contain  15 T values along the CO2saturation line. Subsequent lines contain parameters of gaseous CO2 along the saturation line corresponding to the T values:

    lines 4-6 : saturation P

    lines 7-9: CO2 density

    lines 10-12: CO2 viscosity

    lines 13-15: CO2 enthalpy



      • Shijun_Fan
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Alfredo Battistelli 

      Thank you so much for the help! It helps a lot.

      I am still confused about one specific line "10    15     101". I know 15 stands for 15 entries for each parameter in this block. But how do I interpret 10 and 101? Hope to get help from you! Thanks.


      • Reservoir Engineer
      • Alfredo_b
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Shijun Fan 

      As you wrote, 15 is related to the number of data for each parameter given afterward.

      101 is parameter NP2, which is read but not used in ECO2N.f. 

      10 is parameter NP1. It is used in sub CO2SAT, which finds saturated CO2 properties along the saturation line by interpolation on CO2TAB entries.

      While gaseous CO2 properties are given at the end of CO2TAB, liquid CO2 properties along the saturation line are evaluated by interpolating on the data given as function of P&T, stored in array AK(I,J,K), where the indexes are for P, T and type of property.

      The saturation P at the first value  T=3.04°C is P=37.7691 bar. This value is the 11th P value in the main CO2TAB table. Thus, when the code interpolates on array AK(I,J,K) it uses the following 

      c.....liquid-like densities along saturation line are negative in CO2TAB

      with KL (left) and KR (right) been the indexes of P values of the interval containing the input P. The same is done for viscosity and enthalpy of liquid saturated CO2.

      I think you should revise NP1=10 only if you revise the P values at which CO2 properties are given inside CO2TAB.



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