Hi, dear all

Thanks for the last answer to my question, and it's very useful for me.

when I use MINC model, GENER seems to be unavailable.
 (output file says "REFERENCE TO UNKNOWN ELEMENT *A0011*...")
What should I do?

And if MINC is applied, injected MASS spread rapidly through the fractures,
and  all elements are supplied with heat rapidly.
Is this OK? Is there a mistake?

Or can I apply MINC to only specific elements?

Best Regards

3 replies

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Note that after you employ MINC, the element names of the primary mesh no longer exist, i.e., you have to assign the sink/sources in GENER to the appropriate element in the MINC mesh!

    Only active elements are MINCed, i.e., there indeed would be a way to apply MINC to only a subset of the primary mesh.

    I cannot comment on whether the calculated system response is OK or not, since I do not know what you are simulating, which properties you use, etc. - I am also confused whether you were able to inject MASS or not (given your statement that GENER "seems to be unavailable").

    Hope this helps!


    • Yamamoto
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    After a long fight with my computer,
    finally I understood what you said!

    If MINC is applied,
    MINCed elements substitute for the primary elements (in MESH file),
    and I can copy the statements of the elements in MINC file  to under ELEME in input file 
    just like in MESH file,
    and it means only information of elements are written in MINC and MESH file.
    (difference of calculation method is not written)

    Thank you very much.


    And I'm sorry I have one additional question.

    Please teach me the knack 
    how I should choose initial condition not to occur CONVERGENCE FAILURE.

    I'm often confused by it.



    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Yamamoto,

    Glad the MINC thing is cleared up!

    Your additional question, however, is even more difficult to address. So let me ask back:

    Do you really mean "initial conditions" combined with "CONVERGENCE FAILURE"? I'm asking because:

    (1) If you specify thermodynamically unallowable initial conditions, the error message reads "WRONG DATA INITIALIZATION".

    (2) If you see the error message "CONVERGENCE FAILURE", it may not (necessarily) be linked to initial conditions, but is the result of any number of issues, so tinkering with initial conditions may not resolve the issue.

    Please consider.


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