Nonisothermal Co2 Injection using ECO2N convergence issue

I am running a non-isothermal case for Co2 injection using ECO2N.   The injection cell temperature is set to be 60 degree compared to reservoir temperature of around 105 degree. The simulation shows convergence issue when it runs to 3 years of injection.  A screen shot of output failure notice and some result before failure in mesh file is shown in attached figure.  My questions are:

(1) What is the "NSIN" and "PS"?

(2) The output result of DX1 to DX4 are zero, what could be the problem ?

I looked through the tough2 mannual of ECO2N, but can not find the answers. Anyone can help and give me some hint how to resolve this convergence issue?  Thanks a lot!



2 replies

    • TOUGHREACT Developer
    • Eric_Sonnenthal
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Wendy,


    The temperature maximum for ECO2n is about 105C. If you are too close to that temperature, there is likely to be problems if the pressure increases. I would reduce the reservoir temperature to 100C and see if that works. If so you could try 101C, etc.. It also helps to inject a very small amount of water into the same grid block when injecting CO2. Maybe 0.01% by mass, or so.



    • wendy
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Eric,

    I have a version with modified Co2Tab that can be used for temperature as high as 130. I understand that the current model I am setting has temperature is almost hitting the limit of 110.  I will try your suggestions.  Thanks!

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