Blank MESH

Hello Stefan! I'm running the sample problems and I'm having a problem with the Heat Sweep in a Vertical Fracture for EOS1 - rvf input file.

I'm creating a meshmaker with the characteristics given in the problem From MEASHMAKER through ENDFI. When I run it, it gives no error or warning messages, however all the files are blank except for VERS, which gives:

      IO       1.0      15 APRIL     1991      OPEN FILES *VERS*, *MESH*, *INCON*, *GENER*, *SAVE*, *LINEQ*, AND *TABLE*

      TOUGH2   2.00      8 June      1999      MAIN PROGRAM
                                               special version for conjugate gradient package T2CG2
                                               includes definition of coordinate arrays and radiative heat transfer capability


Do you know what might be cause this problem?


Thank you!

10 replies

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    No, I have no idea! Any error messages on your screen?


    • Jessica
    • 9 yrs ago
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    No error messages, but when I try to run the rfp file it does give a error and make the same blank files:

    "At line 854 of file t2f.f <unit = 4, file = "MESH" >

    Fortran runtime error: End of file"

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    I still don't have enough information (line 854 of t2f.f is not related to reading the MESH file in TOUGH2 Version 2.1).

    Let's go back to rvf. What error message do you get there? How do you run TOUGH2 (double-click, through compiler, through DOS prompt (which is what you should be doing), or are you running under Unix?) Which version of TOUGH2 do you have. What do you have on Line 854 of file t2f.f? Do you get a MESH and MINC file at all, but they are empty? What is in the output file? Do you have a title line before MESHMAKER? (As you can see, I'm just guessing wildly)!


    • Jessica
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Sorry about the lack of information.

    I'm using TOUGH2 version 2.0, running through DOS prompt.

    About the rvf file: my meshmaker file looks exactly like this:

    NX      12       20.
    NY      10       20.
    NZ       1       .04


    With no lines before or after. Its tittle is rvfmeshm and I run: xt2_eos1 < rvfmeshm.txt > rvfmeshm.out  

    I don't get any error message, it finishes running and I get the files GENER, INCON, LINEQ, MESH, SAVE, TABLE, VERS and rvfmeshm.out. All the files are empty, except for VERS which has what I mentioned and the file rvfmeshm.out with no information besides the NX, NY and NZ (the meshmaker input). 

    I had other people helping me out but it's really confusing. I'm new at it and I don't know what is missing. 

    Thank you again!


    • Jessica
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Stefan, Just to let you know I found the error and fixed the problem. When I was running the first time, my input file rvf wasn't running the meshmaker because it had a ENDCY before it.



      • Student
      • maroon_bird
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jessica Jessica, I met the same problem as you, could you please tell me how to fix it? Just deleting the ENDCY line seems no help. And I find that there is another ENDCY line before INCON data block, which confuse me.

      • Keurfon_Luu
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Huanwei Shi Anything after ENDCY is ignored by TOUGH.

      • Reservoir Engineer
      • Alfredo_b
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Huanwei Shi 

      Have a look to the user guide, such as Pruess et al. (1999). TOUGH2 USER’S GUIDE, VERSION 2, LBNL-43134. Revised September 2012.

      At pag. 94 : "The problem uses the EOS1 fluid property module, and is run in three separate segments."

      From pag. 94, follow the instructions on how to run the 3 different simulation segments by modifying the input file as needed.



      • Student
      • maroon_bird
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Keurfon Luu Thank you! I got it.

      • Student
      • maroon_bird
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Alfredo Great appretiation for your help, it is really useful for me a beginner. I got confused because I thought it would be just one run other than three to get the output file. Maybe reading the user guide more carefully is a better way to solve most of my problems.

      Thanks for your reply!

      Kind regards,

      Huanwei Shi  

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