

I`m struggling with the ECO2M sample 4(*rwaf*) and hope somebody has an suggestion for me. I tried to use the TOUGH3 exe, but the simulation always stops in between and its not running up to the end. So I tried to use iTough2 (just started learning). The simulation here is running 2000 Time steps up to 3.25E+10 sec. But using iTough2 I did not get the COFT output file and also comparing the results with them of the manual there is no similarity, the Sg stays 0 for example.

I would be glad to get some advice.

3 replies

    • yqzhang
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Claudia,

    Please be specific with your question:

    1. Are you having trouble to run TOUGH3-ECO2M sample problem with TOUGH3? If so what executable did you use, the distributed or your own? the pc exectuable or mac etc. Have you changed the input file in the distribution package at all? Please describe.

    2. iTOUGH2 does not use COFT, FOFT block. As one can extract element related properties, connection related flows in iTOUGH2 input file. Please go to http://eesatough.lbl.gov/itough2/ to find the relavant command to extract the values you need.

    3. I cannot comment on your result comparison. Please let me know when you say the result in the manual, which manual (TOUGH3 or iTOUGH2) you are talking about. 

    Again, please try to be as accurate as possible in your problem description to receive proper help. For example, if you take the sample problem from TOUGH3 and it does not run properly, I would use a subject TOUGH3-ECO2M.

    Thank you,


    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Claudia,

    It seems you have problems reproducing rwaf with both TOUGH3 and iTOUGH2, correct? I will not comment on TOUGH3, but here are a few follow-up questions on iTOUGH2.

    (1) If you have iTOUGH2 V7.1, it supports FOFT/COFT/GOFT. (You can even select the variables you want printed using command OUTPU.) Alternatively, as Yingqi correctly said, you can easily extract time series data of any TOUGH2 output variable using the subcommands to command > OBSERVATION. 

    (2) When you run rwaf with iTOUGH2, did you provide the correct MESH and INCON files? Check file run_ECO2M to see how to properly supply these external files to an iTOUGH2 simulation (or include them in the rwaf input file).

    I hope this helps,


    • Claudia
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you very much for your replies.

    I`d like to use iTough2 rather that Tough3, so no need to figure out the problem in Tough3, maybe I should make a new executable on my PC. I just remembered that I had such a problem in the past with TOUGHREACT.


    I used the executable for windows which comes with the package TOUGH3,  didn`t change anything in the distribution package at all (Tough3/.../samples/eco2m)

    The sample result is described in the Tough2-ECO2M manual, but because the figures are not really nice, I have also read the paper "Integrated modeling of CO2 storage and leakage scenarios including transitions between super- and subcritical conditions, and phase change between liquid and gaseous CO2" by Karsten Pruess.

    I`m using iTough2 V.7.1 and I know that theoretically it supports FOFT/COFT and GOFT, I could check it in the source code. I get my output file for FOFT but not for COFT and don`t know why. The Tough2 input file is the same as for TOUGH3, I only added MESH and INCON data. But I didn`t know that this can be done with iTough2 command. At the moment I try the OBSERVATION command, but still have problems how to use it. I`ll keep trying.

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