Modify capillary pressure unit by unit

Hi, everyone

I have recently read a lot of coupling programs carried out based on the TOUGH series of software, and I noticed that they have an equation for modifying the capillary pressure, which means that they have corrected the capillary pressure for each cell based on porosity and permeability, may I ask where I can assign a cell-by-cell value to the capillary pressure?

 (Rutqvist et al., 2002, Environmental Geology)

4 replies

    • kenny
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Most people coupling flac3d with TOUGH at each time-step. For such a case, you need to update the capillary pressure at the beginning of each time step in time stepping loop. For example, in TOUGH3, you need update the parameters at subroutine CYCIT in file Main_Comp.f90 near the following lines:

      do while (.not. stop_cycle) 
         if (KON .eq. 2) then
            !-----COME HERE FOR NEW TIME STEP.

    ! you may insert the parameters updating due to coupling effect here.

      • Luoluo
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thanks!I will follow the step to link the coupling program!  But i still confused about the capillary pressure, we know that it can be defined in flow.inp for the whole model in TOUGH2, but how can i consider the coupling effect cell by cell?

      • kenny
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Capillary pressure was calculated cell by cell  as a function of liquid saturation when calling to the EOS for updating the fluid thermophysical properties, using a the function and its parameters defined in the input file. 

      • Luoluo
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

        Thanks for your guide!

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