Getting Started: Homogenous Aquifer
I am getting started with TOUGH3 and have not run a simulation. This is my first time attempting any substantial numerical modeling. I would like to create an infile to run 30 years with a homogenous reservoir for one production well, one injection well, no lateral boundaries, massflow and temperature of producer/injection changing over time, either confined or unconfined aquifer. I assume that I have to run EOS3. Since this is a very simple problem, where can I find an example of how to build the infile without 40 pages of equations interspersed?
Thank you!
9 replies
TOUGH comes with samples in the "sample" folder.
You may try toughio-dash [1] to edit the INPUT-Files.
And the articles on this page [2] helped me a lot.
Hi everyone,
I think I have a relatively simple question. On what page of the manual are the definitions for the column names per keyword? -- place that I can find what goes in a column and the units in which TOUGH reads that column. For example -- What does ROCKS, column 7 mean (TC), and what units are TC in? I am ctrl-f'ing my way around without any luck.
Thanks for your time. -
TOUGH always uses SI units. TC at here is the formation heat conductivity under fully liquid-saturated conditions and has a unit of W/m˚C.
See the corresponding keywords in user manual section 8, such "ROCKS' section for information of Rocks.
I see. So, the columns are not numbered in the user guide, but they are in the INFILE. What does Format(A5, I5, 7E10.4) mean in the first line of the manual after keyword ROCKS?