runtime in Problem 6 2-‐D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Formation from TOUGHREACT V4

Hello everyone!
I am working on Problem 6 2-‐D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Formation from TOUGHREACT V4.0. I already got the results for the first 10 years... but how long does it take to execute the second part of the problem, which lasts 1000 years?
It's been more than 48 hours and it's still running.

5 replies

    • seashell_airplane
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I am facing the same problem.  were you able to resolve this issue?

    • Majid_Trf
    • 1 yr ago
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    I believe you can run two simulations here.

    1- injection

    2- post-injection

    Make sure your injection simulation comes to a stop after 10 years (TIMAX = 10 years (make sure it is in seconds)). 

    Use the data you have from your injection simulation for the post-injection simulation (SAVE file, and update your chemical.inp file). Set your TIMAX appropriately (990 years) and you can increase your timestep (DELTMX = 1 month e.g.) and run your simulation again. 

      • seashell_airplane
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       Thankyou, I will try doing this. Meanwhile, I increased the injection rate, which helped in running the simulation for longer durations, such as 100years, 500years, and 700years.

      Furthermore, you mentioned updating the chemical.inp file. Could you please provide more details or elaborate on that?

      • Majid_Trf
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       Yes, I can. 

      In solute.inp, you can decide what element's chemistry gets outputted at the end of the simulation. 

      For example, if you look at sample problem 6, you can see at the bottom of chdump file, the chemistry for block A1 10 is outputted. You can take this chemistry, and paste it into the chemical.inp file (where the chemistry is). 

      Now, one block certainly does not determine what the chemistry of the whole reservoir is. This goes back to what you're doing and how accurate you want your data to be. 

      Hope this helps.


    • seashell_airplane
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

     Thankyou for the explanation, I will try this.

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