Pre-Processing using Matlab

Hai everyone,

I am new to using tough2 simulation. Do anyone has experience in using Matlab as pre-processing to run the tough2? 

I tried to follow the code from the internet which is "system('path\xt2_eos1 input.dat')" in Matlab.
It was running but took a very long time.
However, when I used the command prompt for xt2_eos1 with input.dat, it was working instantly.


Thank you.



1 reply

    • Dimas_Taha_Maulana
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Finally, I got the code from chatgpt. In case anyone needs it as well, here I attach the code:

    % Get the directory of the MATLAB file

    matlabFilePath = mfilename('fullpath');

    [matlabFileDir, ~, ~] = fileparts(matlabFilePath);


    % Specify the input and output file names

    inputFileName = 'Model.dat'; % Input file name & type

    outputFileName = 'Model.out'; % The output file name


    % Construct the full file paths using the MATLAB file's directory

    inputFilePath = fullfile(matlabFileDir, inputFileName);

    outputFilePath = fullfile(matlabFileDir, outputFileName);


    % Construct the system command

    systemCommand = sprintf('"%s" <"%s" >"%s"', fullfile(matlabFileDir, 'xt2_eos1'), inputFilePath, outputFilePath);


    % Execute the system command


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