Solubility units - SOLA
can you help me to figure out the solubility units of parameter SOLA - SOLB - SOLC - SOLD which are included in chemp8.
for example, TCE solubility is 1.1 g/l. Molar weight 131.84 g/mol.
converting to mole fraction: 0.01984 mol/l.
yet standard value in PETRASIM is SOLA=1.51e-4.
didn't find any reference for the units in the user guide...
3 replies
TCE solubility is 1.1 g/l. Molar weight 131.84 g/mol. converting to mole fraction: 0.0083 mol/l. -
Hi there,
The solubility constant SOLAM is expressed in mole fraction (unitless). You need to convert the unit for water as well, and you will get a similar number used in PETRASIM.