Running with MINC and non-MINC elements
In a post I submitted to the TOUGH2 forum ( ), Stefan Finsterle provided me the following steps for running a simulation with both MINC and non-MINC elements in TOUGH2.
I'd like to know how this is implemented in iTOUGH2. When I performed step 1 with the "-mesh" option (i.e., "tough2 -mesh FORWARDFILE EOS"), it generated a "FORWARDFILE.mes" and "FORWARDFILE.min" file. The latter I take to be what was referred to in step 2. However, when I attempted step 3, I couldn't get iTOUGH2 to recognize "FORWARDFILE.min" as the MINC file. Looking at the source code (meshm.f), it appears that it's looking in the temporary directory for a file named MINC, but I don't know how to include this ahead of time, since a new temp directory is generated each time itough2 is run. Is there an option, similar to "-m" that will tell iTOUGH2 where to look for the MINC file?
2 replies
Ok, now I feel like a dummy, but I think I may have figure this out. Someone please let me know if I'm wrong, but here's what I did:
For step (3), I used the file FORWARDFILE.min as my mesh file (i.e., "tough2 -m FORWARDFILE.min FORWARDFILE EOS &"). However, I made sure that the ENDCY command came before the MESHM block (containing the MINC commands) of FORWARDFILE. I assumed that, by using FORWARDFILE.min for my ELEME and CONNE blocks, the elements had already been MINCed (step 4!).
Yes. Here in more detail:
In step (3) you want to used the MINCed mesh for a simulation. If so, provide that file with the ELEME and CONNE block (i.e., the potentially modified file FORWARDFILE.min) by either (a) copying it into the forward input file, (b) using the -m option (Linux/Unix), or (c) renaming it to MESH (on PC). In the forward input file, remove the MESHM block (otherwise your already MINCed mesh will be MINCed again!) and replace ENDFI with ENDCY.