FOFT keyword no printing

hi. I have been trying to select the elements of my interest to print out in the forward.out or another time series file like in the manual examples by using FOFT in my forward input file but neither itough2 nor tough3 work for printing them out.
Is there any PARAM or another option that needs to be included for FOFT printing to occur? I see the manual has at least two options for locating the FOFT block which I tried (after PARAM, after GENER) without success. What could be wrong?
4 replies
It should be written to separate files, FOFT and GOFT, or <forwardfile>.fof and .gof for newer versions. Is it possible that they are not being copied from the temporary run folder back to the working directory.
Hello Maria,
Since you are running iTOUGH2, an alternative would be put those elements in Observation blocks in iTOUGH2 input file and ask for time series of interest for the times you selected.
If you attach your input file, I can take a look when I get a chance.
Try to add an OUTPU block to your forward file and specify what you need to be printed out, e.g.
37 OUTPU----1----*----2----*----3----*----4----*----5----*----6----*----7----*----8 38 CSV 39 6 40 PRESSURE 0 41 TEMPERATURE 42 SATURATION 1 43 SECONDARY 2 6 44 GENERATION 45 FLOWING ENTHALPY