Installing Tough3 on Windows by using Bash
I am trying to install T3 on my Windows10 by using bash but this error comes up (please see the attached image).
Apparently it's because the file name: " blas2.1.tgz" has been removed or renamed from the website:""
How can I fix this issue?
1 reply
Hi Alborz,
I was having the same exact issue and a few others after that. I'm installing on a linux box with Ubuntu, but hopefully what I did could help you out. First I downloaded the proper libraries before running ./
sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
sudo apt-get install liblapack3
sudo apt-get install libblas-dev
sudo apt-get install libblas3
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-baseThen make sure you have Python2.7 installed. I had Python3 and it didn't like that, I found it easiest to just delete Python3 all together then reinstall later.
I used the following script to run on Ubuntu. This script might work for you or you might have to modify it. But, I hope this helps:
#! /bin/bash
# This file is a template for executing
# multiple times to build TOUGH3 with various (e.g., all) EOS modules,
# from the list
# 1 2 3 4 5 7 7c 7ca 7r 8 9 tmvoc ewasg eco2n eco2n_v2 eco2m .
# e.g., as ;
# 1 3 tmvoc
# Executed with no argument it prints an example useage.
# It may need editting to have correct pathnames for your system.if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
# When called with no argument print usage message;
echo "Usage: 1 2 3 4 5 7 7c 7ca 7r 8 9 tmvoc ewasg eco2n eco2n_v2 eco2m"
echo " may be called with any or all of the above arguments."
for eos in $@ # for each argument (eos number);
# This example is for Linux running in Ubuntu;
./ \
--no-x11 \
--build-type=RELEASE \
--eos=$eos \
--use-mpi=0 \
# --with-mpiexec \
--implicit-blaslapack \
--with-cxx-compiler=g++ \
--with-c-compiler=gcc \
# --prefix=$HOME/tough3-serial
echo "done with $eos"
fi # (end if)- Rick