Axis rotation

Hi everyone. I want to rotate my axis from y to z. Now I have an input file where my domain is in x-y (constant width as z direction), but gravity is in z direction. So i have two options (i think), changing the geometry from y to z or do something to define gravity in y direction.

I have ELEM block, so for first option I think I just should change centroid y and z for each element in this block. Is it enough or I should do more? 

If I want to change the gravity to y direction, while I have ELEM block, can I have MESHMAKER to change the gravity direction? If not, how can I do this?

1 reply

    • Finsterle GeoConsulting
    • Stefan_Finsterle
    • 9 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    (1) Changing coordinates won't do a thing! TOUGH2 does not use coordinates at all - they are not needed and not part of the IFD forumlation.

    (2) You would have to edit the CONNE block and change BETAX to either 0.0 for all connections in x and z direction, and to 1.0 for teh connections in y direction.

    (3) If you can afford to regenerate the mesh from scratch using MESHMAKER, just rotate the mesh using input variable DEG=90.0 (see Appendix F or sample #3, rvf).


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  • 9 yrs agoLast active
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