GMS complex mesh to tough2 error in result

dear all,
i have a complex structural model created with gms, and when i use gms export mesh to tough2 option, the resulted mesh does not contain the angle of gravity and cell connections, thus does not consider any gravitational force when i use the mesh. does anyone had encountered this issue? thanks
3 replies
gms unstructured mesh export to tough2 is a bad option, it's a false advertisement... it does not calculate the gravity angle between cells, so unable to usethe exported mesh. to use GMS for pre-processing only option so far is using the Andrea's TM2T tool.
Dear Friends
I also have a problem that I use GMS as the pre-processing tool to generate the geological model, but lack of convertion program to convert the grid and material to TOUGH grid and material. Could you kindly guide me how to do this.
many thanks