Error when use MESHMAKER to generate XYZ mesh in TOUGHREACT ECO2N sample problem
Hello dear,
I am trying to learn the ECO2N module in TOUGHREACT, so I began at the sample Problem 5 – 1-D Radial Model for CO2 Sequestration in a Deep Saline Formation. But I found it that when I try to use MESHMAKER block in flow.inp to generate XYZ meshes, the simulation can’t be finished. It ended at the 0.000 time, just showed the basic meshes information like volume and position, no other flow information like what has been shown in flow.inp before .
I want to know how to change the type of meshes, seems that just change the MESHMAKER block can’t reach the target. And if you could show me more samples about ECO2N and XYZ meshes maybe I can get it more easily.
Sincere appreciation for your help!
6 replies
Here are my flow.inp which changed the RZ2D mesh into XYZ mesh, and the flow.out.
Maybe the problem is I can't use XYZ meshes into a 1-D radial model, so now I have to design a new 2-D model to try the XZ meshes in order to get familar with the ECO2N and XYZ MESHMAKER, can you show me some sample problems or advice about them?
Have a great day!
Huanwei Shi
Hi Huanwei,
Yes, a radial grid should be created with the RZ2D option. Aside from the TOUGHREACT Sample problems, there is a good discussion of the options for MESHMAKER in the TOUGH2 Manual. Here is one of the examples for building a radial 1D grid (on page 105). There are other examples in the manual. Building meshes is independent of the EOS module, so the example can be for modules other than ECO2n.
Huanwei Shi
I'm a beginner at TOUGHREACT and I'm having the same problem as you!Can you give me your WeChat contact information, I would like to ask you some questions.
Have a great day!
Guodong Han