Run the iTOUGH2 with command line

I'm student, and a beginner. Now I'm doing a research about multi phase flow analysis.
I try to learn about iTOUGH2 with eos3 but I have problem to running it (like the image attached ), I didn't change anything in the original code. I use Intel Fortran Compiler and run it with command line. I have followed the instruction in the "read me" file even though the version is a little bit different. I have also looked for ways to overcome the LNK2019 and LNK2001 problems, but I haven't found the answer. It hasn't worked until now.
So maybe I can get the answer of that problem by discussing in this forum.
Many thanks,
17 replies
How did you compile it? It looks like some of the source is missing from the executable.
Maybe just a typo, but should be eos3.f instead of eo3.f
And maybe t2f.f is missing as well?
Looks like there is a missing definition of a variable in the CPUSEC subroutine in mdeppc.f. Can you post that file here?
Here, I attached
TIMER seems to be a subroutine that should be provided with via the compiler libraries and is not found (could be something old or a different compiler). If you are using ifort, try to substitute the CPUSEC subroutine from the mdeplinux.f and recompile. If that works maybe use the entire mdeplinux.f instead of mdpeppc.f?
Thanks, Andri, for helping Mara. All your answers are (of course) spot on. And yes, I think you can simply use mdeplinux.f instead of mdeppc.f when compiling with ifort.
This is the CPUSEC from mdeplinux.f I have - (hopefully it is alright to share like this Stefan ). The line numbers are extra. 59 C 60 IMPLICIT NONE 61 C 62 C --- Transfer variables 63 C 64 REAL*8 SS 65 C 66 C --- Functions 67 C 68 REAL*4 ETIME 69 C 70 C --- Local variables 71 C 72 INTEGER ICALL 73 REAL*4 S,SA 74 75 DIMENSION SA(2) 76 77 DATA ICALL/0/ 78 79 ICALL=ICALL+1 80 S=ETIME(SA) 81 IF (ICALL.EQ.1) S=0.E0 82 SS=S 83 END 84 85 C -- End of CPUSEC
But I have another issues to running the sample problem. I followed the instructions, but it gave errors like the images below. I have executable file as "eos3.exe". In the 1st picture, actually the sam1p1i already in the directory. For the 2nd picture I tried some ways, and it still same. What command should I use to run it in ifort??
Could you please give me a solution to solve the same problem with Mara ? Thank you so much and I appreciate that.
I am trying to run TOUGH3 Executables on the Command Prompt Windows and the following error is showing:
C:\Program Files\Tough3V1.1\PC_executables>tough3V1.1_eco2m_pc
forrtl: severe (9): permission to access file denied, unit 36, file C:\Program Files\Tough3V1.1\PC_executables\OUTPUT
Image PC Routine Line Source
tough3V1.1_eco2m_ 00007FF6953939F7 Unknown Unknown Unknown
tough3V1.1_eco2m_ 00007FF69535424B Unknown Unknown Unknown
tough3V1.1_eco2m_ 00007FF695319A7A Unknown Unknown Unknown
tough3V1.1_eco2m_ 00007FF6953FB46E Unknown Unknown Unknown
tough3V1.1_eco2m_ 00007FF6953FB854 Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL 00007FFA11C37344 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ntdll.dll 00007FFA125E26B1 Unknown Unknown UnknownCan someone help me with this please? Thank you in advance.
Yessica Peralta
I fix it. I changed the owner of the file and I took full ownership