Incompressible flow

Dear all,

I would like to consider the incompressible flow of the mixture CO2-brine in a heterogeneous reservoir. Are there any ways to fixe the density of brine and CO2 in TOUGH2? I have a version ECO2M. I tried to modify the source code by fixing the densites at reference values : but it worked only with gas density, when i fixed a constant brine density = 1000 kg/m^3 (DB in subroutine COBRI), the convergence failed.  

Thank you very much for your response,


1 reply

    • George_Pau
    • 11 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Ricardo,

    The propagation of pressure wave for incompressible flow is very fast and will require very small time step.  As such, TOUGH code is not built to handle incompressible system since it solves the coupled system of equations directly.

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  • 11 yrs agoLast active
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