RELP as a function of a VOC mole fraction
Hi everyone, I would like to make the relative permeability of the gas phase a function of the mole fraction of the the first VOC. Actually, the first VOC, in this case,…
Compiling TOUGH3 on Linux platform (Ubuntu)
Hi everyone, First of all, I wish a happy new year! Secondly, I have trouble compiling TOUGH3 on an Ubuntu platform and I am wondering where I could find instructions for compiling TOUGH3 on Ubuntu.…
Limitation to the number of VOCs ?
Hi everyone, I am currently running simulations with 8 VOCs (plus air and water) and I want to add 6 more VOCs. I modified the T2 file like so: - MNEQ = 17 (16 components + one energy balance…
SAVE as INCON: big issue
Hi everyone, There is an issue with the initialisation of the components in place in my output file. The attached file "save_file_run_1" (screenshot from the output file) shows the volume and mass…
Well modeling
Hi everyone, I use TMVOC to model remediation of soils and groundwaters. I first need to model pumping tests and I was wondering how could I precisely model wells and observation wells.…
Capillary Pressure Definition
In TMVOC, is the capillary pressure between two phases i and j: Pc_ij = Pi - Pj or Pc_ij = Pj - Pi ? where Pi and Pj are the pressures in the phases i and j. Thank you in advance, Quentin
Hi everyone, Wandering in the t2f.f file, I found that there is a GENER type not referenced in the TMVOC manual : "VOL." I assume it allows specifying an injection or pumping volumetric rate.…
"Default porosity" definition
Hi everyone, Just a quick post to ask a simple question: is the "default porosity" POR in ROCKS the total porosity? For instance, total porosity for clay formations is, in general, about 40-50%.…
Viscosity of a pure VOC - Error in the formula
Hi everyone, A quick post just for you to note that the formula (4.3.12) in the TMVOC user's manual is not correct. It should be written : ln(µ) = A + B/T + C*T + D*T*T instead of ln(µ) = A - B/T +…
TEXPOM - exponent for calculation of chemical diffusivity
Hi everyone, I am currently adding properties of the chemical Hexachlorobutadiene into the CHEMP block. There is the TEXPOM data missing as I do not know where to find the definition in the TMVOC…
TOUGH2 post processing program in MATLAB with TMVOC
Hi everyone, I am currently using the TOUGH2 post processing program in Matlab by Antonio Rinaldi for TMVOC files. The READ_DATA function does not work when the command 'Compute Flow' is active.…
CHEMP.5 Record for new chemicals
Hi everyone, I am trying to add new chemicals in the CHEMP block but I have some difficulties with the CHEMP.5 record, i.e. about the ideal gas heat capacity constants.…
Partitioning Tracer Test Modeling with TMVOC
Hi everyone, I was wondering how could I manage to model Partitioning Interwell Tracer Tests (PITT) with TMVOC. The main difficulty I am confronted by is the data of the partitioning and…
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