Maximum Extraction Rate for nodes on DELV?
Hello all, I wasn't able to find out in the T3 manual if there is a way to cap the output from a GENER element set on DELV such that the initial rates are not so huge.…
AZTEC solver - rapidly increasing temperatures going out of range
I am running an inj/prod well doublet in a geothermal reservoir with free gas at the top of the reservoir so using EOS7C (with 4-12 cores depending). The AZTEC solver crashes rapidly b/c the…
MPI_Allreduce error
I am getting this error (see picture attached) while running EWASP with 16 cores. Any thought as to what's going on? Thank you in advance for your help.
Is there a way to specify the component being produced from a source well?
My producing well is producing fluid through the ESP and venting gas through the casing annulus. Both flows are controlled independently. I am trying to history match the test and would like to…
GOFT files only printing for one component (COM1)
Running EWASG and GOFT files are only printing for COM1 and not for COM3 (see my INFILE attached). I have two generation elements per node (the injection /production wells move two components,…
Efficient time stepping with great variability in pumping/shutin period durations
Dear colleagues, I am history matching a pumping test that consists of two 3day flow periods each followed by a 10d shutin periods. The flow rates were not constant during the pumping periods and…
termination criterion following two time steps for which convergence on ITER = 1
Hello, It looks like I am running into this exact issues described on page 44 of the T3 user manual (copied below). What suggestions do you have when this occurs?…
Parallel processing for EOS7
I am running T3 on Ubuntu. I have successfully ran ECO2M on multiple cores in the past on this server. However, when running EOS7 on the same server, it compiles normally,…
How does one track internal progress while the solver is iterating?
The model is taking a long time to run and there is no progress info in the Ubuntu command window. Is there a way to track internal progress? For example,…
Non-isothermal solution crashes
I am running a CO2 single injection well into a dipping saline aquifer. The model seems to be running fine in isothermal conditions but crashes when non-isothermal is turned on.…
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