Toughreact and eos5
Hello everyone, I am new at using Toughreact and would like to know if there is any version of Toughreact that works with EOS5 (Water, Hydrogen). If not,…
Subroutine NSIN
Hi everyone, I am running ECO2N in Tough2-mp, to simulate CO2 injection in a 3D model. Initialization of the model goes without problems, and the output is used as initial conditions for the CO2…
Tough2-MP post-processing and visualization
Hi everybody, can anyone, please, advise on software to extract and visualize results from TOUGH2-MP with ECO2N? I realise that EXT is not an option to extract results to tecplot,…
Hello everybody, so I've successfully compiled TOUGH2-MP and decided to test it in the r1dv example files. I always get a segmentation fault error. Specifically I get the following message: [terra:…
TOUGH2-MP compilation error
Hello everybody, My research centre has a version of TOUGH2-MP and we are trying to install it with ECO2N eos in the cluster: Cluster: Rocks Cluster Operating System: Cent OS -> (2.6.32-220.13.1.el6.…
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